The improvement of business performance...
It requires, on the one hand, operational and supporting processes that are fluid, effective and efficient, on the other hand a well-structured organization.
Optimizing business processes means to be able to operate fast, mantaining high quality levels and minimizing the margin of error.
In other words, we need to optimize business processes in order to improve performances and to achieve fixed goals. However, behind the success of each company there is a solid organization and an IT supporting systems, which provide delivering value to the customers everyday.
Therefore, it’s necessary to choose the most appropriate organizational structure, to identify the right-sizing of the sources in the structure and to set processes and coordination rules within the company’s assets (human, technological and material assets), that have to lead the result towards the company’s objectives.

Sistema Management support businesses by rationalizing and monitoring organization and processes, through:
- the detection, analysis and mapping of business processes and organizational structure, right at the moment (AS IS) ;
- the identification of the main critical issues and the non-value added activities (GAP ANALYSIS), the design of the new operational processes (TO BE) and the organizational structure, aimed to rationalize tasks and roles in an empowerment process.
- The effectiveness of the change thanks to the introduction in the company of the new processes and the new organization and also by training a new internal resource who will provide to monitor the business procedures and to bring actual condition into line with the projected model. Those activities are realized through the cooperation established within Sistema Management and the Key Business People.